Here is an interesting article from the Washington Post. For students considering various majors, including STEM, it's important to understand what skills employers might find most valuable.
Once again, UCLA and the UC system received a record number of freshman applications for Fall 2018 admissions.
www.latimes.com/local/education/higher-ed/la-me-edu-ucla-applicants-20171214-story.html According to the National Association for College Admissions Counseling, both the SAT and the ACT will be offering low-income students more free score reports. Beginning in spring for the SAT and in September for the ACT, students using fee waivers for their tests will be able to send more score reports without charge to their colleges.
admitted.nacacnet.org/wordpress/index.php/2017/12/14/testing-companies-to-offer-more-free-score-reports-to-low-income-students/ It's time for sophomores and juniors to consider how they will spend their summer of 2018. There are lots of summer enrichment programs out there and I always prefer the ones where students are selected by a competitive application process that includes transcripts, test scores (if available), letters of recommendation, and essays. Here is one highly selective program with an early application deadline of January 12, 2018. I will post more information about other programs in the next couple of months, but check out this one at MIT.
www.cee.org/academic-program |
March 2024